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Discover the homemade food of Vietnam

Here are some of the best home-cooked dishes that you don’t typically find in restaurants. View our hosts below with whom you can share these authentic Vietnamese foods.

  1. Cha gioCha gio

    Crispy fried pork and shrimp spring rolls dipped in nuoc mam (fish sauce) and wrapped in fresh herbs

  2. Ca khoCa kho

    Fish in a sweet and savory caramel sauce cooked with garlic, scallions and chilies in a claypot

  3. Nôm hoa chuoiNôm hoa chuoi

    Banana blossom salad with shredded chicken, a variety of Vietnamese herbs and a lime-fish sauce

  4. Cha caCha ca

    Hanoi-style charcoal grilled fish marinated in galangal and turmeric, stir-fried with dill and eaten with vermicelli

Traveling Spoon Experiences in Vietnam

Taste cha gio, ca kho, nôm hoa chuoi, cha ca and other authentic Vietnamese dishes with our Traveling Spoon hosts across Vietnam.

Chi Host Authentic Vietnamese meal in Ho Chi Minh City Join host Chi in her charming home in Ho Chi Minh City. She makes an amazing ca kho (catfish in traditional clay pot), a dish that is authentically Vietnamese. Book your private experience today. Learn more.

Hong Host Authentic Hanoian cuisine Hang and Hong are excited to share the culinary traditions of Hanoi with you. They understand the importance of fresh ingredients and cook authentic dishes like cha ca. Book your private experience today. Learn more.

Lan Anh Host Traditional Vietnamese food in a local home Lan Anh is a passionate home cook who delights in sharing her family recipes with guests like you. She cooks authentic dishes like xoi xeo and understands that often the best dishes are the most simple ones. Book your private experience today. Learn more.

Maia host Traditional Vietnamese cuisine with Maia Join Maia for a casual, fun meal with some of her favorite dishes like stir-fried squid with vegetables. She is excited about authentic Vietnamese cuisine and loves hosting guests like you. Book your private experience today. Learn more.

Diep Host Homestyle Vietnamese cooking with a multigenerational family Get the full Vietnamese family experience with host Diep in Danang. You can expect delicious dishes like canh chua ca, a traditional sour soup. Book your private experience today. Learn more.